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Coming home

By: Shira Lavon

Hi, inner child
Are you there?
Or have I lost my mind?

Wait, I see someone small
At the bottom of a dark, dreary hole
Curled up into a fetal ball

Hi, I slowly say again 
Fearful eyes return my gaze
Silent, but I sense your pain

I’m sorry it’s taken me a while
But I’m here for you now
I say with a mournful smile

I swear, I won’t forget you’re inside
I’ll be back again
To check in and say Hi.

Hi, my inner child
I know it’s been months
Please forgive me, I promise I tried

Maybe we can start afresh?
A tentative nod
I carry on before you regress

What makes you hide away?
I want to hear your story, I want to know your fears.
You don’t want to say. That’s okay

I’ll offer you some love
Compassion and hugs
Some kindness to replace your glum

I leave you once more
But it’s different this time.
It’s the promise of a connection so pure.

Hello, my sweet girl
Oh! You’re sitting up today
That’s great, I love to see you unfurl

You are beautiful, did anyone say?
You are amazing, did you know?
I hope you don’t brush that away.

Hi, it’s me checking in
See how you are, see what I can give
It’s nice to talk again

It strikes me how you’ve thrived
You’re standing tall and proud
We’ve been on a journey, you and I

Hey, how are you? I say
Startled, I realize
I’m speaking to my mirror image today

It hits me, it’s true
I’ve come home 
I’ve found myself in you.

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