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Take me to the ocean

Take me to the ocean
Where I can face just the emptiness of an endless horizon
Take me to the ocean
A force untouched by human infliction

Take me to the ocean
Because only its fury can match the pounding of my heart
So the ocean roar thrums louder than the chatter in my mind
So I can take in the rhythmic ebbing and flowing of the shore

Take me to the ocean
For only its sun can stroke the tautness of my face
Let it reach into my heart that has grown so icy cold
Let it thaw my body that has grown so tired

Take me to the ocean
So I can nestle the shards of my heart in the grains of sand
Flex my stiff body in its welcoming absorbency
Let the sands of time run through my fingers

Take me to the ocean
Because it’s the only basin that can hold the intensity of my tears
I can let the power of my emotions surf its waves
Yet I can watch a world moving while staying perfectly still

Take me to the ocean
Where it’s just me, the sea and the sky
And the One Who created this all
And there I will sit until this wave of pain recedes.

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FOUNDER AND WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR My colorful career on the chair and delving into the world of therapy as a client has sparked in me the desire to share support and the knowledge I have gleaned with clients like me.

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