I'm looking for


In the silence of the night
a lifetime of
Rated-R memories 
creep up 
from the depths of my mind
to haunt me. 

Unwelcome guests. 

Old memories
sometimes faint 
often in vivid detail

echoes of the past.


And unsettling
like ghosts 
they linger— 

Whispering in 
reverberating decibels 
You Worthless 
Wretched soul 

I wear the past
as the present 
its cloak
chilling me
to the core. 


Rated-R memories
they remain

A midnight symphony 
of unease

Old memories 
that never 

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Don’t hide from me


The perfect therapy experience is what you seem to strive to give. To be there for me fully. Wholly. No distractions. Your commitment is solid. ...

Barbed Wire


I won’t dare go near a boundary in therapy. I will rather bury my needs deep within. Inhibit myself. Let my angst fester beneath my ...

Therapy Pains


It’s a pain I can’t explain Nor understand That rises up At the slightest provocation That only it detects It pierces my chest Hijacks my ...

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