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I’m so anxious!

Settle comfortably in a peaceful and quiet area. Choose one of these prompts for self-exploration and to uncover new insights on the topic you want to explore.

  1. Where does anxiety show up in your body? How does it make you feel physically?
  2. Write a list of your anxious thoughts. Are there any you feel you can drop? Cross them out. Put the rest into your pocket and ask it to give you a break until a specific time when you will read it again.
  3. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve shared with a friend or relative who was anxious? Address yourself as if you were her and write it out.
  4. Draw a circle within a circle. The inner circle is what’s in your control, and the outer circle is not in your control. List your anxieties in the right section. Focus on the anxieties in your control and write what you can do to make one of them easier for you.
  5. Write how it would feel not to be anxious right now. Lean into that feeling and let it embrace you.
  6. What do you need to feel less afraid right now? What would help alleviate your anxiety?